Hampshire Guitar Orchestra

The Hampshire Guitar Orchestra (hago) formerly Havant Area Guitar Orchestra began in 1999 and has earned a reputation for unusual music presented with a real sense of fun. We aim to change our audience's perception about classical guitar!
We're guitarists from Hampshire, Surrey & Sussex - mostly amateurs - enjoying something really unusual. Our Musical Director is Derek Hasted.
We play 4 different sizes of Guitar, like the different sizes in a recorder consort, brass band or string quartet. We're one of only a few true guitar orchestras - free from the limitations of pitch that constrain guitar ensembles.
Many of our concerts raise funds for charities. Our concerts always include a huge variety of styles - see us on video and in our photo galleries.
Come to a hago concert and you'll hear music from Early to Pop, from Classical to Jazz, from Stage to Film, from Renaissance to Reggae . . .
If there's one comment we often get at Concerts, it's "What an amazing sound - I didn't know guitars could sound like that"