Music Preparation Service
Music Preparation Service
Here at Lathkill Music Publishers we also offer a music setting / engraving service.
From single sheet PDFs to complete printed books, scores and parts, no job is too large or too small. If you are a singer or brass player we can also transpose full pieces with accompaniments into the key of your choice.
Our typesetter has extensive music preparation experience including symphonies, movie soundtracks, ensembles for TV adverts, opera, musicals, baroque and renaissance notation, exam books for major publishing houses, and music for solo instruments including lots for guitar!
We work with the customer sending proof copies which can be edited and changed as desired.
Music preparation is charged by the hour (a rush or overnight job has a higher rate) and any printed scores are charged at cost plus postage.
Use the Contact Us page for samples or to discuss your needs and get a quote.
Music prepared will not belong in any way to Lathkill Music Publishers or have Lathkill Music Publishers written on the score.